Wednesday, November 07, 2012

On Clichés and Ideologies

I completed Jonah Goldberg's book and in some cases, the cliché is not so much from an ideology, but a faulty form of reasoning.  The example that comes to mind is "slippery slope".  While, the concept of a slippery slope can be true it is not necessarily true.  Cultures do change: sometimes for the better; sometimes for the worse.  We can discuss why cultures change one way or the other, and the accuracy of our diagnosis will determine how relavent the "slippery slope" argument is.  The diagnosis that violent video games cause children to act violently apparenly has no basis in reality such that the violence has decreased with the increase in video game play (or gun ownership for that matter).

Number 4 is the best news I've read all day.
4. The last thing to mention is the reminder that Jesus is still Lord, and the truth is still the truth. A corollary of this is that math is still math, and blind folly is still blind folly. And salvation from blind folly is still true salvation. The gospel is still the gospel, and it is still powerful to save. And nothing is more evident than that it is gospel that we need.