Saturday, November 12, 2005

Expensive art

I can't say I understand why this is valueable art. Probably a lot of factors, and a lot of art factors I don't understand. There seems to be this elite art culture that can tell what "good" art is, while the rest of us scratch our heads. To me it seems subjective in part. I do think there is a lot I would need to study about art before I understand why this is valuable, but then, the artists these days are painting for the elites. As a non-art-elite, I see no reason why I should value this art at all. I don't think it is absolutely ugly. I might look at it and say, hmmm. But if I didn't know better, I'd think somebody forgot to finish it, or that there was just excess paint on piece in front of it.


Anonymous said...

I agree. I don't necessarily mind the "abstract" bit about a lot of modern art—I can accept that it is over my head, somehow—but I have a very difficult time seeing why something I am quite capable of painting myself (or, at least, a very near approximation thereof) is called good art. Maybe all I have to do is get an ego and call myself a great artist...

Anonymous said...

Well then David maybe you should make that art and make more money. John I can agree with you that I can see it as art in the sence of artistic. The only thing that boggles my mind is that they are to pay BIG money on this type of art. Personally I like realistic art.

John Mahan said...

I like abstract in that it is interesting to look at and wonder about. Much of what I like about the abstract is the same I like about looking at clouds. The is no "realistic" element to clouds, but they are beautiful, and beg my attention.

I don't like some of my wife's abstract art, but don't tell her that.

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe the wife happens to have a better sense of style than John. Or perhaps she simply likes the creations of her own hands. Either way, I would recommend others to see her art to be able to judge for themselves;)

John Mahan said...
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John Mahan said...

Agreed, Heather. Welcome to my blog, my wife.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it? Why is art so expensive if all they are doing is drawing a couple of lines on the paper. My sister is doing that in the third grade. I am no artist but I just don't get it. I also like abstract art and agree with John's wife about someone else's opinion. Not to be partial but she is right.:)