Friday, December 05, 2008

On the "definition" of insanity.

Being once again irritated by the false definition of insanity, I hereby declare it a clichéd metaphor. Not only is this not a definition put forth by a psychologist, it is also misattributed to other non-psychologists like Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin. According to Wikiquote, it was first recorded by the author Rita Mae Brown in the novel Sudden Death. Everyone knows that it is often foolish to use methods that have proved to fail, but the concept can be used prematurely to mock things that take time, perseverance, maintenance, and hope. It can also bring about cynical attitudes toward preventative measures that help but do not solve the problem. See the last paragraph in this article by Ed Morrissey on the war on drugs. Since brushing my teeth did not stop some cavities in the past, shall I stop brushing?

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