Saturday, March 04, 2006

How Now Shall We Live part 1

I am currently reading the Chuck Colson/Nancy Pearcey(not to be confused with Palose) book on the Christian Worldview and how it relates to culture. Here is a quick summary as to why we shall never reach utopia in our sinful state of being:

"Of course, nowhere has this vision of scientific utopinanism become a reality. And the reason it continually fails is lodged in the logic of the scientific method itself. If we turn human beings into objects for scientific study, we implicitly assume that they are objects to be manipulated and controlled, like scientific variables. That means we have to deny things like the soul, conscience, moral reasoning, and moral responsibility. And when we apply these assumptions to real social problems, we inevitably dehumanize and demoralize people, placing them at the mercy of social scientists in the employ of the technocratic state. The end result is not utopia but another form of despotism."

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